Live Weather
Station Location | Columbus, Ohio (3.6 mi NW) |
Coordinates | 40° 0' 13" N, 83° 2' 19" W (40.00367, -83.03883) |
Elevation | 787 ft (240 m) |
Last updated: 14:27:05 on 08/15/2014
(0 seconds ago)
Temperature | 74.0° |
Winds | WNW at 1 mph |
Wind Chill | 74.0°F |
Humidity | 42% |
Dew Point | 49.5° |
Barometric Pressure | 30.02 inches |
Pressure Trend | (-0.01 in/hr) |
Rainfall Rate | 0.00 inches |
Daily Rainfall | 0.00 inches |
The BPCRC Weather Station was made possible by a donation from Elizabeth & Jeffrey Salt in memory of their father, Charles F. Salt Jr., a meteorologist in the United States Army Air Corps during World War II. Thank you for your generous support of the Byrd Center!
Check out a flyover and interview about the weather station donation and installation: